Monday, June 4, 2007


WoW! (Acronyms for World of Warcraft FTW) I can't believe this is my last bob of pc40s!

Sequences! What a unit that was; the unit really displayed math (Patterns was a large header: Math is the science of patterns!). At first, I found the unit quite easy. Then, it became a tiny bit more complicated (but not really) and was still without a doubt easy.

In my whole opinion, I think that this unit was just about remembering the equations (that are given to us anyway?). Arithmetic sequences, Geometric sequences, Series, Series, Series, Sequences and more Sequences! Also don't forgot about infinite series, the Sigma notation (I think that's what it's called) and Converging/Diverging.

Yes yes. This unit includes it's own puzzles but overall was less difficult than the other units.

Good luck to everyone on the Test Tomorrow morning! Sleep early and drink lots of water =)

PS: I almost forgot to blog 3 times today and 2 over the weekend (I would not remember at all, then I suddenly have it in my head. The next moment, the idea was gone again) Good thing I finally did it before I forgot AGAIN!

LOTD(Lesson of the Day): DO YOUR BLOGS WHEN YOU REMEMBER (**The first time)

Bye bye, no more blogs fr: ME <---

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