Friday, June 29, 2007

So Long ...

And so we begin where we left off ... don't let the sky be your limit. ;-)

I'm so glad we've had this time together,

Just to have a laugh or learn some math,

Seems we've just got started and before you know it,

Comes the time we have to say, "So Long!"

So long everybody! Watch this space for pointers to new blogs for each of my classes.

Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu, and all those good bye things. ;-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The places you'll go--

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
Any direction you choose. --Dr. Suess, Places You'll Go

Seniors, it's almost graduation--what direction are you choosing? Juniors, where are your feet taking you this summer? Wherever you go, be safe!

My very best wishes,

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Exam time!

Your provincial exam is this week. I was thinking on your taking the test and remembering a day some 5 years ago when I was to write an extremely important exam.

I was mindful to get some sleep just prior to the exam and hoping that you will too for this reason:

The bottom line: Teens need 9.25 hours of sleep per night
In experiments done at Harvard Medical School and Trent University in Canada, students go through a battery of tests and then sleep various lengths of time to determine how sleep affects learning. What these tests show is that the brain consolidates and practices what is learned during the day after the students (or adults, for that matter) go to sleep. Parents always intuitively knew that sleep helped learning, but few knew that learning actually continues to take place while a person is asleep. That means sleep after a lesson is learned is as important as getting a good night's rest before a test or exam.

At the risk of sounding "mom-ish", have you taken this into consideration in your preparation to be your very best for your test??

On my test day, I was just about to leave for the testing center when I asked my husband to wish me luck. "No," he said, "I won't do that." I was crestfallen. I felt like I needed one last boost before the "big" one.

Then he continued, "You don't need luck. You're smart. You're prepared. You're good. I believe in you. Go out there and just do it!!!! I'll be here when you get back."

It's time for me to pass that forward to you! You don't need luck. You're smart. You're good. You're well prepared (thanks to your hard work and Mr. K). I believe in you. Go out there and just do it!!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Hello everyone! Sorry again for the late scribe. I just really needed some more time to study before the exam today. Hopefully everyone did a super good job on it! =D

Well, on Friday, if I remember correctly was review for the exam on Logarithms and Exponents, Probability and Trigonometric Identities. The reviews are done the exact same way we do our pretests! All the questions and answers are on the slides. Click here.

The exam is pretty much over so it's kind of a relief for all of us. There's still classes tomorrow!! Scribe for tomorrow shall be.....

I think the it's a new cycle, so I chooose.. Vincent!

- Sandy <3

Friday, June 8, 2007

Today's Slides: June 8

Here they are ...

To see a larger image of the slides go here. When you get there you'll see a button in the bottom right-hand corner that says [full]. Click it and the slides will display in full screen mode.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

PRECAL40S: LAST SCRIBE ... for me at least.

HEY GUYS! sorry my scribe was a day late. I had work yesterday and came home very late so anyways I will be the scribe for yesterday and today ... here goes


We had an exam rehearsal for Circular Funtions

The answers are pretty straight forward ...


We had another exam rehearsal for Combinatories

and again the answers are pretty straight forward ...


Yet, Again we had another exam rehearsal for Logarithm. We had a substitute for Mr. K. She didn't really gave us numbers to be in groups so instead we chose our own groups. Everyone worked on it but in the end we found out that we didn't have to hand it in. The answers are not up yet but I'm pretty sure Mr. K will put it up sometime later tonight. Well that's all for now and the scribe for tomorrow's class is .... SANDY!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Today's Slides: June 6

Here they are ...

To see a larger image of the slides go here. When you get there you'll see a button in the bottom right-hand corner that says [full]. Click it and the slides will display in full screen mode.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Editor's Note: This post is reprinted from an email that has been circulating around the internet. Some of the things stated as fact are false. It is a hoax. Please read the comments.

Mr. Kuropatwa

I figured this has something to do with Math. HAHA! I think this is interesting as well. I don't know if all of these are true though. Maybe some of you have already read this...
6+5 = 11
Pretty Chilling - read to the bottom. Try it out.
If you are a sceptical person - still read on as it's actually very interesting!!
This is actually really freaky!! (Mainly the end part, but read it all first)
1) New York City has 11 letters2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.3) Ramsin Yuseb has 11 letters. (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) 4) George W Bush has 11 letters.

This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets interesting: 1) New York is the 11th state.2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11. 3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 114) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers. 6 + 5 = 115) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9 + 1+ 1 =116) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911.
Sheer coincidence..?
Read on and make up your own mind:
1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254.
2 + 5 + 4 = 11
2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year.
3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 11. 4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers incident.
Now this is where things get totally eerie:

The most recognized symbol for the US, after the Stars & Stripes, is the Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Koran, the Islamic holy book:
"For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace."
That verse is number 9.11 of the Koran.
Unconvinced about all of this still ..?

Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:
Open Microsoft Word and do the following:
1. Type in upper case Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers.2. Highlight the Q33 NY.3. Change the font size to 48.4. Change the actual font to the WINGDINGS……………………
What do you think now????

Monday, June 4, 2007

Last Bob of the School Year!!!

Hmmm... what does Craig have to say about the past unit??? Let's see, well it has been quite an easy one, which has helped out a lot, considering I have had so much else on the go! I'm not sure what else there is to say... I would post each of the formulas, but Graeme has already covered that, and we get a formula sheet anyway. Just as a reminder, watch the wording of the questions! Especially when they deal with the bouncing of golf balls and such (i.e. the final question on the pretest). Otherwise, this course has been a great one and I believe the unit was a good one to finish it off. Good luck to all on the test and the upcoming exam!!!

For the final time =D


Well since this is the last one I guess I'll talk about how my year went in this class. First of all, I have to learn to stop being so lazy, do my homework, and study for tests. Can you believe this is only my 4th BOB?! I know what my potential is, and I guess it was my stupid choice not to work to the fullest. To be honest, I've only done the first 2 exercises out of the whole year. I'm going to struggle on this test as I did on every other and there's no one to blame but myself. So I ask myself, am I going to study tonight? We'll find out..

Have a good night boys and girls

BIP: bob in peace...

My last bob.... Some what happy but sad too, ill have nothing to complain about anymore. This last unit on sequences was pretty fast. I'm not sure this was the easiest one, it was just interesting. Not much i can really say about it. it's just about figuring out the formula and substituting everything in the right place, BUT I'M NOT SAYING IT'S EASY! Anyhow, i feel i got the main concept of this unit. Hopefully i can make this my best test so far but, good luck to everyone on this last test AND ON THE EXAM IN 7 DAYS hope everyone passes the course.


WoW! (Acronyms for World of Warcraft FTW) I can't believe this is my last bob of pc40s!

Sequences! What a unit that was; the unit really displayed math (Patterns was a large header: Math is the science of patterns!). At first, I found the unit quite easy. Then, it became a tiny bit more complicated (but not really) and was still without a doubt easy.

In my whole opinion, I think that this unit was just about remembering the equations (that are given to us anyway?). Arithmetic sequences, Geometric sequences, Series, Series, Series, Sequences and more Sequences! Also don't forgot about infinite series, the Sigma notation (I think that's what it's called) and Converging/Diverging.

Yes yes. This unit includes it's own puzzles but overall was less difficult than the other units.

Good luck to everyone on the Test Tomorrow morning! Sleep early and drink lots of water =)

PS: I almost forgot to blog 3 times today and 2 over the weekend (I would not remember at all, then I suddenly have it in my head. The next moment, the idea was gone again) Good thing I finally did it before I forgot AGAIN!

LOTD(Lesson of the Day): DO YOUR BLOGS WHEN YOU REMEMBER (**The first time)

Bye bye, no more blogs fr: ME <---


Last unit of the course, probably the fastest too. This basically means the course is over and all that's left is......DUN DUN DAA THE FINAL EXAM!! But you guys don't have to worry, you're all so very bright and smart. I predict that you all will do well on the exam. As for this unit, fairly easy and simple to comprehend. Main idea is to remember the formulas, terms and concepts. If you got all that, the rest is common sense and knowing how to interpret the problems. However do not under estimate the fact that nothing comes easy, so don't expect an easy test to end off what has been an awesome class to be apart of. Good luck to everyone.

BOB - The Final Frontier

I hate Star Trek :\

This is the final BOB guys, but certainly not the last. I think.. Well sequences is basically read the problem, figure which equation to use, figure out any unknown variables if needed and simplify. I hope I can find it easy to do this. This unit was as short as me yet we crammed a lot of information into that short period of time. Hey remember when I broke Miles' toy snake? Boy was that depressing.. Anyways I have a load of studying to do and that movie won't make itself. Good luck on tomorrow's test and in the near future's exam. This is Jojo Rocks logging off for now. In the words of Derek Zoolander, I bid you all a farewell.

"What is this? A centre for ants? How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?"


Another scribe post in the words of Jojo Rocks.

Was surprised finding out I was scribe of all days. Yet today was pretty interesting. In the morning we had our pre-test, a very interesting pre-test mind you and it seemed everyone had a fine idea how this unit worked. Good thing the equations were on the board. I have enough trouble remembering every other equation... Anyways we were put into groups and the room lit up with conversations. My group was interesting, 2 great minds working while 1 great mind in progress (me) layed back with a question mark on his head nodding to everything they agreed too. Just kidding.. Time ran out quickly so we had to wait to see how some answers turned out the way they did.

So yeah, the afternoon class came right away. My mind was sorta somewhere else since I have a short film wit ha script to create by Thursday I think. But yeah we went through the 5Th question on the pre-test since it had some issues for some people. although a lot of people had different rounded numbers we all were pretty close. Funny how a funny worded problem had so many solutions to it. The podcast recording stopped working again. Twice. Blamed it on Richard, the usual stuff. After that was all over and done with we did some homework based questions as review which are on the slides.

There was an interesting talk about the Koch snowflake and how there are 10 different dimensions. Mr. K explained how a square won't see a sphere and how we'd see ourselves as worms if we saw in the 4th dimension. Very hard to comprehend but sounds very easy to say. Don't you love that? Scribe tomorrow is... SAM!

Just kidding Sam, Sorry Jeng your it!


WOW! This is our last unit and its about SEQUENCES. Also this is our last blog for this semester. What can I say? I've learned so much about sequences. At times it can be very confusing because you wouldn't really know which formula to use but with the workshop we do in class helped me a lot. That's all there is to it. Practice ... practice.

Aw, I'll miss this class. Thee best class ever.
Its our last one, lets ACE IT! haha! :)


Well, this unit about sequences is relatively easy. There is nothing to say about this unit because all this unit is about is just knowing when and how to use certain formulas on a given time. Just remember that if you don't know the answer just put the number 6 as it will most likely be the right answer.....XD. I hope everyone will do well on our last test...


Hello, back for my last Bob of the year and what a unit to end off the year. This unit was one of the better units we have had all year in my opinion. Other then the memorizing of the equations and when to use them, it is simply all fitting an equation into the problems and plugging in the value. I found this unit to have been difficult at first especially when doing the homework, although after the memorization of the equations and when I had to use them, the questions were a lot easier. All though the unit seems easier then the others, I believe the questions can become very hard and the difficulty of the test may become a challenge. All in All I believe this unit was one of the easier ones and as long as I study once again tonight, I think I am going to be ready for the test. Study hard and good luck guys and gals for the sequences test and the long awaited Provincial Exam next week.


This is our final BOB for this course... Our last unit, Sequences, has concluded. We are now going to prepare for our last test.

I found this unit very cool because I learned a lot about sequences... We learned the formula for finding the "nth" term of the given arithmetic sequence to be...

tn = t1 + (n-1)d

And for the geometric sequence...

tn = t1 (r)^n-1

We also learned how to calculate the sum of a given arithmetic sequence. Instead of adding all the terms, we could simply use this formula...

Sn = (n/2) (2t1 + (n - 1)d)

For a geometric series...

Sn = t1 (1 - r^n)/(1 - r)

I hope everyone will do their very best... Remember, its our LAST chance to improve our term mark...

PreCalculus: The Last Bob.

This unit comes to an end and so does the year. As of today there is exactly one week left before our final exam. Is anyone as excited as i am? I'm kidding, of course! Well, this unit has been okay... sort of. I'm not too sure I'm that great at it yet. However, tonight should help a bit! Lots of studying. Fortunately I have nothing else to worry about except pre cal now. So gives me a great opportunity to practice more. Since practice makes perfect. Back to sequences, though. I'm not too sure if this unit test is going to be as good to me as the others. Hopefully I'm able to do just as well as the other times. Good luck to everyone! Hopefully you guys do very good as well. (:


Once again another unit is finished and out of the way. Sequences was a pretty easy unit and I really enjoyed it. Once the formulas were out of the way the work got a bit easier. Now that the test is tomorrow, I wish everyone the best of luck and hope that everyone finished off on a good note ready to go into the exam. Well once again another BOB and the last chance to reflect on a unit. Good luck tomorrow guys and girls!

Today's Slides: June 4

Here they are ...

To see a larger image of the slides go here. When you get there you'll see a button in the bottom right-hand corner that says [full]. Click it and the slides will display in full screen mode.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

2B + O --> BOB

Well this last unit was a good one to leave off on. I actually had and am still having a little bit of trouble with the homework because I keep mixing up which formula's are used for what and what goes where within them. But with the blog open in front of me it's not that bad. I'll have it pegged by tomorrow. But just to clarify...

To find a term in an arithmetic sequence:
tn = t1 + (n -1) * common difference
(I used t1 because that "a" confused me for a good long while, had no meaning for me)

To find a term in a geometric sequence:
tn = t1(common ratio)^(n-1)

To find the sum of the terms in an arithmetic series:
Sn = (n/2)(2t1+(n -1) * common difference)
Sn= n(t1 + tn)/2

To find the sum of the terms in a geometric series:
Sn = (t1(1-r^n))/(1-r)

To find the sum of the terms in an infinite geometric series:
Si = t1/(1-r)

So I'm going to finish up my homework now.

bee oh bee number eight!

Well I guess this is the last bob I will do for this school year. Sequences and series are quite interesting to me. It's interesting how you can form series out of sequences...and sequences out of series! Yes...This unit has been quite fun, fast and a little easier to understand. It wasn't as hard as I thought...but problem solving might slow me down if I don't know what Im supposed to do! As well as formulas...I can't remember those haha...but I will. So good luck to everyone on the test. Hope we all do well.
I guess I'll reflect on the whole semester as well. The semester has been great. At the beginning of the semester I did okay and second term came and I didn't do as well. Combinatorics and probability were quite challenging for me. I did like the transformations unit though. Every moment in our class was pi day...where we all got sick of pie and didn't want it anymore...when we carried on with the rest of the questions while Mr. K. stepped out and we laughed when he came in to tell us to do the questions...when we had that conversation with Eddie's class...everything was fun!.. from the smartboard to the old traditional white board...which personally I like better. I miss the math would have been cool because if we still did it on the white board we could have written: END OF COURSE. haha which would have been exciting!!!!! but to everyone...good luck on the test, exam and future studies whether you choose to go to college, university, take a year off, come back or are continuing here at DMCI. BYE everyone for now!

The Last BOB

Hmm, I'm still worried about this sequences test. I understand pretty much everything and I think this unit is quite simple, but I just have this nagging feeling that Mr. K is going to be up to something and make those questions hard on the test, haha. Anyway, wow, this class, course, whatever you call it, was fun. I'll never forget the conversation we had with Eddie and his class from Georgia, the day when the SmartBoard was hooked up (It was pretty funny when Mr. K was trying to learn how to use it. :D sorry Mr. K), and how we implemented it in our class. I wish everyone luck for tomorrow's pre-test, Tuesday's test, and the final exam.

I'll see you in 3 months Bob.

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the countdown on our blog state that the exam is in 220 days?! OH man, wish we had that much time, but it's just my computer's clock playing tricks on me, haha. Well anyways, on to my final bob for the course.
I can't even begin to comprehend how fast our year passed by, but all I can really remember is all of the times that we shared in this class. I really believe that this was a momentous semester for me, and never before have I resided in such a healthily and welcome classroom. There were so many occasions that I simply cannot forget, such as Eddie and the event of conversing with his class in Georgia, or how we intuitively utilized the smartboard for everyday class. Well, enough about that, I believe there's still an overall course review BOB or something similar at the end of the year. So on to talking about our final unit; sequences.
When we first started sequences, I couldn't believe how simple it was. The questions themselves were relatively straightforward, and even the thought-provoking questions just require the implementation of given formulas. All we really have to do is stop and analyze what is being asked, the sixth term, the distance the ball travelled, what is S100, etc. I believe that this test shouldn't prove too difficult for anyone in the class, and hopefully everyone will perform incredibly on our final test.

BOB-ing 8

WOW, I can't believe that this is the last time I'll BOB. Such a tremendous experience and a really interesting journey I had in this course. I've been struggling, really... This unit is easy though. It's pretty straightforward. There's nothing much to say about this short unit. With its low level of difficulty, we are able to catch up on our schedule and still retain those 3 days of review. I hope everyone does well on the test. I know Mr K. will find a way to complicate this simple unit but I think we'll be prepared by then. Just remember the formulas.
Also, remember:
n - the rank
d - common difference in an arithmetic sequence
r - common ratio in a geometric sequence
t1 - first term in a sequence
a - also indicates the first term in a sequence
tn - nth term
Sn - the sum of the terms until nth term
Hello!it's albert M. and I'm the scribe for the last friday. Since we're done in all of our units, we are just preparing for the last test which is the "Sequence" and also for our upcoming provincial exam this coming June 11. We just go over with some problems like these: the first one was just a warm up so it was easy. You are just going to use the formula to find tn and that's it.
First thing that we did was, we divided 8748 by 36 and got a quotient of 243 then we took the 5th root of it and got 3 as the common ratio. Then, we used the formula, plug-in the numbers and solve for the missing term.

using this formula tn = t1r we apply what we had learned in logarithms to find the value of n.

First one:

k = 1 tells you that k will starts at 1 and will end at 4.

Therefore plug in 1-4 for the k in to the 3k.

Chris showed the long method or the sum formula to get it done.

Second one:

k = 0 tells you that k will starts at 0 and will end at 3.

Therefore plug in 0-3 for the k to the 2^k.

Chris used the long method again to show it is the same.

Mr. K asked us to come up with two more different sigma notation for the same value and here's some of our answers. You can write the sigma notation of the same value in infinity ways.
We can use what we have learned to Mr. Green in his video clips that you can find in youtube, as we get the common ratio for the numbers in geometric sequence or you can divide the first two numbers, if you get r<1 then it converges and when r>1 therefore the answer diverges which you can see above.
We got the perimeter of the first triangle = 42

the perimeter of the second triangle = 21

the perimeter of the third triangle = 10.5

You can notice the pattern already didn't you?

try to get its common ratio by dividing the second number to the first number or the third number to the second one.

Lastly, use the formula for infinity then you'll get 84 as an answer.

This is so pretty straight forward so i won't explain it.

We are working on the last question which is the last clip but the bell rang already so we're just going to continue it on Monday which will be later discussed by Jojo who rocks!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Research Assistant

Here I am again with another research assistant! For our final unit in the entire course, Sequences, I have compiled a list of links to help anyone review or practice for the upcoming test. I found these sites earlier today, hopefully they can help anyone who needs help trying to understand or anyone in search of extra practice for this unit's test.


(The following four are from the same site, just broken into separate portions.)

(scroll all the way down, select the second choice then click "get the quiz")



I hope that these links can be utilized to help anyone review for the upcoming test, of which I wish everyone good luck! Have a great weekend everyone!

Today's Slides: June 1

Here they are ...

To see a larger image of the slides go here. When you get there you'll see a button in the bottom right-hand corner that says [full]. Click it and the slides will display in full screen mode.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Hey it's Bertman and it looks like I'm todays scribe.

We started the morning gonig to the gym for the M.A.D.D multimedia presentation. Driving under the influence is a serious offense that dangers yourself and everyone around. Driving high goes the same way, so don't do it!

Anyways we started the afternoon class by watching a youtube video created a by Mr. Greene. The video shows him teach and show everything and anything about our unit, sequences in a matter of 3-4 minutes. Amazing isn't it?

Heres the link :

Following thw questions from the slide, the sum of the intergers 1-5000 can be found by using Gauss' formula. Where "n" = 5000, "t1" = 1 and "d" = 1. Simplifying we get a huge number, 12 502 500.

To find the sum of the numbers from 1-5000 that are multiples of 7, you start by dividing 5000 by 7 to get a value. Which is 714 different numbers. Using Gauss' formula again, "n" is now 714, "t1" = 7 and "d" = 7. Simplifying we get an answer of 1 786 785.

To find the sum of the intergers between 1-5000 excluding the numbers that aren't multiples of 7 can be found by just subtracting the 2 answers previously solved. Mr. K also told us we would be normally given this question and not the first 2.

Now we get to the super-bouncy ball questions!

There are 2 distances the ball creates. Distances bouncing up, and dropping down.
The distance of the ball when it's going down decreases by 1/4.
The distance of the ball when it's going up decreases by 1/4

By using the geometric formula, when it's going down, "t1" = 200, "r" = 3/4 and "n" = 4 since we want to find the distances after it hits the ground for the 4th time. When it's going up, "t1" = 150, "r" = 3/4 amd "n" = 3. By adding both numbers we get a total of 893.75.

There is another way to solve this type of question. When using 150 as "t1" the total distance from that first initial bounce to the second is 300. Therefore "t1" can be 300. The other values are the same and you get 693.75 as an answer. Don't forget the add the distances you left out depending on where you started. By adding 200 we get the answer again of 893.75.

Everything else are on the slides, from the sum of inifinity formula and the relationship from the value "r" to the words convergence and divergence. I don't know if we're supposed to pick scribes now that all the units are over but I choose Albert M.

Today's Slides: May 31

Here they are ...

To see a larger image of the slides go here. When you get there you'll see a button in the bottom right-hand corner that says [full]. Click it and the slides will display in full screen mode.

Here's the movie from the first slide.

Yesterday's Slides: May 30

The internet was down at the end of the day yesterday. Here are the slides ...

To see a larger image of the slides go here. When you get there you'll see a button in the bottom right-hand corner that says [full]. Click it and the slides will display in full screen mode.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sequence Sequel v.02

Hey guys! This is Jann, and I'll be your scribe for today! =D

We started of our lecture with some "quickies"...

1. Find the value(s) of "r" in 5r^4 = 80


In order to solve this question, we just use algebraic methods...
2. In the geometric sequence, if t1 = 3 and r = 2, find t3.


If we can recall the rule for geometric sequences from last class...
3. If the first term of a geometric progression is 1/3 and the common ratio is -3, find the next 3 terms.


In order to solve this, we can simply use the geometric sequence rule to find t2, t3, and t4...

4. Determine the common ratio for the geometric sequence; 1/(x^1/2), 1, (x^1/2).


In order to solve this problem, first we pick either the first, second, or third term. We can concentrate on that term to find the common ratio, "r". There is one catch, if we let n = 1, our common ratio will be 1 since "n-1" is the exponent of the ratio. If we use n = 1, then the exponent will be 0, meaning, r will equal 1 (anything to the power of 0 is 1)...

I'll pick the 2nd term...Then, Mr. K told us the story of the great Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

So, I'll try to tell the story.. XD

One day, Gauss' teacher asked his students to "find the sum of the numbers from 1 to 100". During his time, there were no papers to write on, just slates. His classmates started to add up all the numbers, starting 1. (Man... this is gonna take forever...) Gauss didn't touch his slate and thought about it for approximately 1.5 to 2 mins. He wrote the number 5050 on his slate and handed it in to his teacher. (Even the teacher doesn't know the answer to this one...)

The big question was... "How in the world did he do that?!"

This is how he did it...

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 .... 97 + 98 + 99 + 100
100 + 99 + 98 + 97.... 4 + 3 + 2 + 1

101 101 101 101 .... 101 101 101 101

If we add 2 copies of the sequence, in which one is written in reverse order, we could see a pattern...

Then, Gauss simply put together these numbers...It means that the number 101 has been obtained 100 times in his method. He figured that this answer has been added twice. Therefore, he multiplied the answer by 1/2.

In other words...

+ (t + d) + (t + 2d) + ... + (t + nd)
(t + (n-1)d) + (t + (n-2)d) + (t + (n-3)d) + ... + t

(2x + (n-1)d) + (2x + (n-1)d) + (2x + (n-1)d) + ... + (2x + (n-1)d)

Since 2t + nd = t + (t + nd) = t0 + tn,

For any arithmetic sequence, the series could be found by using the Arithmetic Summation...

x+ (x + d) + (x + 2d) + ... + (x + nd) = (n + 1)(a0 + an)/2


"Sn" is the sum of all the numbers up to the "nth" term
" n " is the rank of the nth term
" t1" is the first term in the sequence
" d " is the common difference

A series is the sum of numbers in a sequence to a particular term in a sequence.

For a geometric sequence...

Sn = t1 ( 1 - r^n)/(1 - r)


"t1" is the first term
"r" is the common ratio
"n" is the rank of the term

Finally, we talked about the "Sigma Notation". It's a short-hand way of writing a series.
The "funky" looking "E" is a Greek letter for "sum". The number above the "E" means "to find the value of n, until we have obtained the nth term of the sequence. "n-1" means that this is the initial value of the sequence; meaning, you have to start evaluating at n-1. "2n - 1" is the "rule" of the given sequence.

That's what we did for this class. (Finally, I have edited my scribe post! Yay!)

Oh well, good night everyone! I'm tired...

Next scribe will be... once again... "BERTMAN" XD.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Scribe - Introduction to Sequences

Hello to everyone once again. Today I am scribing on both the morning class and the afternoon class. In the morning class we had a test on probability so there isn’t much I can talk about there. That’s it for the morning class. For the afternoon class, we started a new unit called sequences. Before we jumped into the work, Mr. K talked to us about fractal and showed us a video on it from If you would like to take a look at it, you can look to Mr. K’s post. After that we started off by taking a look at some problems:

Find the next 3 numbers in each sequence of numbers.

4, 7, 10, 13, , , … Answer: 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22…

3, 6, 12, 24, , , … Answer: 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192…

32, 16, 8, 4, , , … Answer: 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5…

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, , , … Answer: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…

From each of these sequences, we can find out if they are geometric, arithmetic, or neither. Also if it is geometric, then we can find the common ratio and if it is arithmetic, then we can find the common difference. Here are some definitions to help you out:

Sequence: An ordered list of numbers that follow a certain pattern (or rule).

Arithmetic Sequence :(i) Recursive Definition: An ordered list of numbers generated by continuously adding a value (the common difference) to a given first term.
(ii) Implicit Definition: An ordered list of numbers where each number in the list is generated by a linear equation.

Common Difference (d):(i) The number that is repeatedly added to successive terms in an arithmetic sequence. (ii) From the implicit definition, d is the slope of the linear equation.

Geometic Sequence: (i) Recursive Definition: An ordered list of numbers generated by continuously multiplying a value (the common ratio) with a given first term.
(ii) Implicit Definition: An ordered list of numbers where each number in the list is generated by an exponential equation.

Common Ratio (r): (i) The number that is repeatedly multiplied to successive terms in a geometic sequence. (ii) From the implicit definition, r is the base of the exponential function.

Well that’s it for today and that just about covers everything that we went over today in class. Hopefully this helps you guys out a little bit more.

The next scribe is…Bertman!

Homework is exercise 45!

Today's Slides: May 29

Here they are ...

To see a larger image of the slides go here. When you get there you'll see a button in the bottom right-hand corner that says [full]. Click it and the slides will display in full screen mode.

We lost today's audio. There was a problem with the mic at the start of class. I thought it had been fixed. It wasn't.

Here is the movie we watched and another like it illustrating some of the things I was telling you about:

proBOBly should have done this sooner....

Haha morning of the the test! Not the best time to bob... Well this unit I'm feeling fairly confident in considering the amount of effort I have put into the homework in the exercises and on the blog. A couple of the questions are still worded trickely so I'm fairly certain that a 100% won't happen as I seem to go too fast and miss simple things in the questions on tests. So my goal for this test would be to take it slow and meticulously..... and still finish on time.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Hello once again, back for my seventh BOB. Well what can I say this unit was a little hard towards the end of the unit, because of the permutations and counting sections which were mixed together. Although I am a little uneasy about those types of questions i believe this test should not be that bad after all. Probability was simply just a concept you had to learn and once you had the hang of it you can challenge any problem you liked. This is why I believe the test should not be difficult, unless there are many counting questions, which I bet there are. So all in all i found this unit to be quite straight forward and not very difficult once the concept is learnt. Good luck to all and make sure to study hard, Probability Test tomorrow morning.


Hello. It's me again with my bob. So I think that this unit is a pretty straightforward unit. The situations and concepts are easy to understand and the content in the exercises is pretty straight forward. The only problem that I have is that the tricky questions that Mr. K gives us that throws us off. Hahaha. Very Tricky. But at least I get the unit. Haha. So Hope for the best, and everyone do good on the test. Good luck, so long, have fun studying. Cause I am. Haha.


Sorry I just posted now. I had work and i just got off. Anyways....Probability what can I say? Its true its the easiest unit but its hard to write down on the paper because there's so many ways you can do it and its hard to decide which one is right. I didn't really like probability ever since junior high well ever since I knew what it was. But whenever we work on problems in class I start to like it more and actually get it. Hmm ... well this is long enough. I'll leave it as it is and study!


Blogging on Blobbing

Well, this unit about probability started off as relatively easy....then it became a lot harder. The quizzes were sort of a wake up call to me that i need to study more and finish this year strong. I really need to study more on this unit because ever since junior high i struggle on probability. I wish all the best to everyone. Good luck on the test and hopefully we all do well!

Probability Pre-Test

Hello, i am the class scribe for this evening. We started today's class with a pre-test, because tomorrow is our long awaited test on probability. Basically the Pre-test had lasted almost the full class, because many of the students had questions about the questions on the pre-test. So to not get carried away here are the questions and the solutions to the pre-test questions.

question #1: Twelve people including you are members of the choir. The choir director is going to choose three members to attend a workshop. The probability you and two other members will be chosen is:
a. 1/4 b. 3/10 c. 1/12 d. 1/10

The answer is 1/4, because you are going so it is 1 * 11c2, because there are 11 members left and the director needs to pick two of them. It is all over 12c3, because it is over all the possibilities. So once that is calculated it is 1/4.

question #2: Rex is playing a guessing game. The probability he will guess each question correct is 0.3. What is the probability he will guess exactly 5 out of 10 questions correctly?
a. 0.15 b. 0.10 c. 0.29 d. 0.80

The answer is 0.10, because he must get 5 out of 10 questions correct so it is RRRRRWWWWW.
So it is 10!/5!*5!, because there are 5w's and 5r's. Then the 10!/5!*5! is multiplied by (0.3)^5*(0.7)^5 which is the binomial theorem. So once it is all worked out you achieve the answer of 0.10.

question#3: You choose 4 digits from the numbers (0-9), with no repeated digits. To win a prize only two numbers need to match the four selected by the computer.The probability, correct to the nearest one hundredth that you will win a prize.

The answer is 54.76%, because you must take the amount of numbers you are able to match with the computer to win a prize in this case 4c2, 4c3, or 4c4 numbers and divide them over all the possibilities which is 10c4, and add them all up. Once added and reduced it should give you a fraction:23/42, which is 54.76%.

question#4: The serial number of a $10 bill contains 8 digits. If your $10 bill contains the digit 7 at least once, you win a prize. What is the probability that your $10 bill will win?

The answer is you must find the probability of when there are no 7's and then you take the complement. So no 7's is basically 9 out of the possible 10 numbers to the exponent (^) of 8, because there is 8 digits. It gives you an answer of 0.4305, so to get the probability that there is a 7 you must take the complement, so 1 - 0.4305 = 56.95%. which is the answer.

question#5: Jeff takes a lunch to school on two days, and on the other three days he buys it. If he takes lunch he is late for his fourth period class 15% of the time, but if he buys it, he is late 35% of the time.

A) what is the probability that Jeff arrives on time?

The answer is that we take percentages of the two times he arrives and add them together to form the answer. So P(o) = P(to) + P(bo) = (0.4)(0.85) + (0.6)(0.65) = 73% which is the answer.

B) If Jeff was late, what is the probability that he took his lunch to school?

The answer is that you must take the probability he was late and took his lunch to school divided by the time he was late and brought his lunch plus the time he was late and bought his lunch. (0.4)(0.15)/(0.4)(0.15) + (0.6)(0.35) = 2/9 or 22.22% which is the answer.

So he is all of what we had done in class to day, when viewing this scribe post make sure to check the slides if you are confused, because it may help you find the way I had shown the answer. Make sure to study because tommorow is our Probability Test.

Tommorow's scribe is Robert P.

Ohh my BOB

Chello everyone. Another unit has come to a close, like most of you have already said, and I think probability can be the easiest thing to comprehend yet the hardest thing to write on paper. Don;t you hate that, knowing exactly how to solve problems in your head, but don't know how to write it? Or maybe that's just me... Anyways, I'll wrap this up since I should study. Funny how remembering to do this also remembered me to study. Ohh my lanta.


Another unit done and I'm starting to see a trend. As we start the unit, the concepts and questions seem to be quite easy to grasp for everyone, especially with this Probability unit. However, once the pre-test approaches most of us (from the classes reaction, correct me if I'm wrong) seem to be surprised at the complexity of some of the questions. Whatever it may be, the only way we can possibly improve upon that is study, study and study. Exams are coming very soon and we only have one unit left. Let's finish this year off strong. Good luck on the test tomorrow everyone.

BOB # 7

Hello to everyone yet again. Wow probability has come and gone and the test is tomorrow. This unit started off pretty easy and then it just got harder. On today's pre-test I found question 3 really difficult. To get through this though I will study tonight and try to do well on the test tomorrow. I wish the best of luck to everyone! See yah tomorrow!

bee oh bee number seven.

hello. the end of the unit has come once again and here I am bobbing...probability...I never really liked this unit at all due to the fact that it is challenging...haha I found it challenging ever since junior high. I was able to understand the things we did in class, well most of it. Quiz number one was quite surprising because it showed me what I knew or didn't. Then quiz number two I did a little better, which is good. This unit was difficult for me because I don't realize what is right in front of my face. Hopefully though, on the test I will be able to figure out what is in front of me. Good luck to everyone and hopefully we all do well.


Well to start off this unit was simple...It seemed like a piece of cake, but right now that point of view that I have just changed... This unit is really difficult, it requires a lot more thinking than I thought it would. The way the questions are worded and the solutions that seem to be the exact opposite of what you do... It's either you over think or under think how to answer the question...

Well the test is tomorrow and I am NOT looking forward to it. I don't feel that I'm ready for it. But there's nothing I can do about it... :P... Oh well I'll just say good luck to everyone... :P


Hello everyone! Once again, we have finished another unit of our course. Probability has been a very interesting unit because it practices your thinking skills. For me, figuring out chances on how a certain thing will occur is pretty cool. I found the "Tree Diagram" very interesting because it shows you the sample spaces of a certain event.

I hope everyone will do well on this test. This is our 2nd last chance to improve our test marks... -_-

Good luck y'all!! XD

Today's Slides: May 28

Here they are ...

To see a larger image of the slides go here. When you get there you'll see a button in the bottom right-hand corner that says [full]. Click it and the slides will display in full screen mode.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Friday is grueling days ever because of 2 unexpected quizzes from Mr.K

First we started-off with this. The very first thing to do is to make a tree diagram and fill out the probability for each cases .The probability that Tony will move t
o Winnipeg is 2/9, and the probability he will marry Angelina if he moves to Winnipeg is 9/20, all you need to do is to multiply to the probability that Tony will move to Winnipeg and marry Angelina.To get this, all you need to do is to multiply the probability that he is moving to Winnipeg which is 2/9 and the probability that he is not marrying Angelina 11/20.
To get this multiply the probability that he is staying which is 7/9 and the probability that he is not marrying Angelina which is 19/20.This is the probability of drawing four aces in a standard deck of fifty-two cards.
This is the probability of drawing diamond cards.
This is the probability of drawing an ace and a diamond.
All you need to do is to add the probability of drawing four aces and diamond cards, then subtract the probability of drawing an ace and a diamond.
To answer this question, you need to make a Venn Diagram. Then from that diagram you will see that ten out of twenty-five students doesn't like either Dr.Pepper or Diet Dr.Pepper.

This is the probability of choosing two green dresses out of six.
This is the probability of choosing four dresses out of nine.
This is the probability of choosing six dresses out of fifteen.
All you need to do is just by dividing the favourable cases over the possible outcomes.

First thing is to make a tree diagram and fill out the probability for each cases. Next is to get the probability of an SUV that has air conditioning and divide it by the probability of having a passenger car that has air conditioning plus the probability of an SUV that has air conditioning.

To get this, just add the probability of drawing a defective blade first and then a good blade and the probability of drawing a good blade first and then a defective blade.
For the 1st question, you can't use the number 0 as the first digit, so you nine choices left.
The 2nd digit, you can't pick the same number that you use before so you have nine choices left. The 3rd digit , you can't pick the same number that you use for the 1st and 2nd digit, so you have 8 choices left. The 4th digit, you can't pick the same number that you use from the previous three, so you have 7 choices left.

For the 2nd question, just divide the possibility of having an odd number by the total number of possible digits.

For the 3rd question, break the question into 2 steps,one is that ending in zero and the other is ending in 5, then add both . Then divide the answer by the total number of th
e possible digits.

To get this, get the probability of getting exactly four hits out of 6 throws. Then, raise the probability of hitting to the fourth power and then the probability of missing to the second power.

That's it folks.By the way we have a pre-test tomorrow,sorry for the late scribe .The next scribe is DINO.

BOB-ing 7

I'll go straight to the point. The Probability Unit evokes chaos in my mind. In short, probability is one of those units in Math that makes me go, "WHAAAT?!" It may not seem like it because I don't do it in class. But seriously, in my head, I do it a lot. I grasped the concept easily. However, the application of that concept is the real puzzle to deal with. Maybe, the struggle originates from lack of practice and absence of confidence with myself. Like in the last quiz, I doubted myself so much that I erased the solutions for two questions that transpired to be correct. That was really... KJ (kill joy). Another frustration dawned upon me as the week concluded and the weekend commenced. I promised that I would be practicing during the weekend, but I failed to such a thing. Some problems throw me off because of too many disturbances. I really hope that I do well in this test, but not without a lot of practices. Maybe I should start after this BOB! Anyway, this year is about to end and I couldn't ask for more with a fun class already at hand. But, it's so fun that sometimes my attention linger over other topics. My BOB ends here and I hope you all had a great weekend and good luck on the upcoming pretest and test! See you guys tomorrow!
I hope that all my practices will pay off. Good luck guys! I know I need that too! HAHA!


Well, I thought that this probability unit was kinda easy. When we had the quizzes, I was surprised! It was hard, and that led me to think that I needed more practice for this unit. I'm just hoping that the test won't be as quite difficult as the quizzes. Those quizzes really got me surprised. Anyway, I wish everyone luck in the test, we're going to need it.


Hrm, yet again it's time to blog. This unit went by quite fast. During the beginning of this unit, the problems were without a doubt easy and included no difficulties for me. However, as we progressed, I found that there were questions (such as those on the quiz) that surprised me.

On the otherhand, I should've been more responsible for completing more of my exercises than I have. I found that since I did not practice as much, I struggled at times and found that I was stuck; not knowing what to do next on certain questions.

Truthwise, I will "try" to do more practice questions tonight and we'll see how I fair on the pre-test and test.

Good luck everyone on the pre-test and test this coming week!


So apparently we have a test on Monday ... wasn't in class on Friday unfortunately for the quiz. This unit that people call "probability".. is the story of school life. This is the unit i dread every year. This unit Probability was so difficult, hands down this has to be the hardest unit . I honestly wish we had like an extra week so i can actually take the time to understand this unit a bit more, i know for sure this is going to be my worse unit yet.
But, for everyone else Good Luck because i know you'll all need it just as much as i will.


I almost forgot to bob for the upcoming probability test until I checked the blog and saw Sandy's. And to iterate Sandy's statement, the provincial exam is only 2 weeks away! I can't believe that we've blown through the year in almost no time at all (well at least it felt like that) and what a blast it's been. Though I'm feeling really down because of all the cruddy marks I've been getting recently, but I've really enjoyed this course so far. This was the first class which presented a functional lesson solely integrated upon the smartboard. But enough about reflecting over the entire year, this bob's supposed to be about just this unit xD. This unit of course was probability. This unit wasn't terribly difficult and didn't present a lot of tribulations, especially seeing as the final portion of probability incorporated one of our previous lessons: combinatorics. Just remembering that a probability can be found by dividing the amount of favorable outcomes by total amount of outcomes is how you arrive at the wanted probability. Well this unit was very relaxed and somewhat straight forward, but as Mr. K left us (made me sad )= ) we were responsible for our own learning, and showing by my quiz marks, I wasn't exactly a very reliable worker. But as for the rest of the unit, there wasn't really anthing new that was unique to other units except for the exciting colloquy we had with Eddie's class in Georgia! It was quite a surreal experience, seeing as it's quite intriguing to converse with people from other regions of the world. I think we were all excited to chat with the class over in Georgia, and when the day came, we really enjoyed it. I think it was quite an extravagant episode in our bevy of pre-calculus memories. But with that said, I can't wait for further conversations from the class over in Georgia. This was my bob, good night everyone. As for the test:

99.9 BOB FM! (8)

Every single time I arrive on our blog I think about how close the provincial exam is. 2 weeks from tomorrow! It's really time to start studying. As for this unit, I didn't do great on my quiz, but the mistakes were really dumb. -_-" As soon as I seen the correct answer I realized I had made a stupid mistake. Regardless of the quizzes, I think this unit is pretty straight forward and not that difficult at all. I hope to do as good on this test as my logs one. (: Hopefully everyone else does really good as well. Good luck to everyone with the up coming test! <3