Monday, February 19, 2007


____This Pre-calculus40S class is awesome. I haven't worked with an intelligent group of people in my life that day by day challenge each other and ME. As a reflex, I have to keep up with the pace of learning that the course requires. The first unit is CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS. In my opinion, this unit can be so easy if you kow your 'thing'. Otherwise, it will be confusing and difficult to grasp. Indeed, converting radians to degrees and vice versa, finding the sector, arc length, etc. are easy. However, when it comes to graphing equations and deriving a SINE or COSINE equations from graphs, I can be perplexed. Currently, I am worrying with the fact that I can mess something up with silly and simple errors prior to solving equations or graphing functions. Today's class and the pre-test last week sort of set the blueprint of my own building of learning. Now, all I have to do is work my way to the top and to nail the answers for every single problem thrown at me. I will never forget the minor errors that our group made today when it appears on the test. Everyone learns from their mistakes. The dictionary helps me a lot too and so are the scribes that are posted every night. They help me refresh my memory about the day's lessons. Groups definitely help mind enrichment due to the fact that integration of minds exists and therefore enhances every member's knowledge about a particular topic. like today, my group members and I shared answers and opinons about our answers. It felt good! Though, I don't want to get to dependant on groups because most of the course will comprise of individual work like tests and quizzes. Our first test is on wednesday and no group member will save anyone's life there, will there? So, that's my perspective. Also, good luck on the test!

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